Middle school teaching reference magazine is approved by the state general administration of press and publication, the competent education colleges in guangxi, guangxi college of education magazine sponsored by the provincial education journals. Magazine has academic and practical significant characteristics of authenticity, qingmingshanghetu, is a good assistant of teachers, teaching and research workers. Service for the national education workers, to provide the latest educational reform information and education theory achievements, for the general education workers exchange experience, and publish research results provide the platform.
We adhere to the basic education services for the purpose, dedication to the education service, provide the new reformation of information and education theories, provides the exchange of experience, published research results provide a platform for educators. We adhere to the party and the country\'s publishing policy and education policy, wholeheartedly for the foundation of middle school education and curriculum reform to promote quality education service, continuous vertical depth.
本刊国际标准刊号:ISSN1674-6058,国内统一刊号:CN45-1372/G4,旬刊,语数英版邮发代号48-12,理科版 邮发代号48-13,文科版 邮发代号48-14。杂志全文收录中国知网、维普网、万方数据库、龙源期刊网。 杂志大16开本。语数英版每月1日出版,每期定价7元;理科版每月10日出版,每期定价7元;文科版每月20日出版,每期定价7元。全国各地邮局(所)均可订阅,也可向编辑部邮购。
Issue of the international standard serial number: ISSN1674-6058, the domestic unified serial number: CN45 G4-1372 /, ten-day, several English version of the code emailed 48-12, science edition emailed code 48-13, liberal arts emailed code 48-14. China journal full text includes knowledge network, VIP network, a database of ten thousand, China longyuan journal net. Journal of 16 folio edition. Several English edition published each month 1, 7 yuan each issue pricing; Science edition published every month 10, each issue pricing 7 yuan. Liberal arts version published monthly 20, issue pricing 7 yuan. All over the country the post office (by) can subscribe to, also can to the editorial office mail order.