The Epochal Character and Scientific Natureof Civil Codification Mechanism
Chen Su
Abstract: The question of how to codify the civil law is as important as thequestion of what kind of civil code should be formulated. The adoption of acivil code in the new era depends on a codification mechanism that embodies thecharacteristics of the new era. During the codification of the civil law in China,attention should be paid not only to the style, layout and the content of thecode, but also to the construction and improvement of the codificationmechanism. A civil codification mechanism that can produce an epoch-makingcivil code should be able to fully utilize the legislative resources, knowledgecapabilities and technical possibilities available in the new era, attach equalimportance to the improvement of legislative techniques and the embodiment ofideas, effective integrate generally accepted theories into accurate socialconsensus and, at the same time, properly deal with the relationship betweenlegislation and reform.
Keywords: civil code, civil legislation, codificationmechanism, social consensus