1974年12月10日,美国国家安全委员会颁布了《国家安全研究备忘录第 200 号:世界人口增长对美国的安全及海外利益的意涵》(1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests),简称《NSSM-200》[1]。《NSSM-200》是由犹太人亨利.基辛格主导下完成,因此又称《基辛格报告》。
优生学因为纳粹德国而臭名昭著,但是改头换面之后演变成了人口控制论。洛克菲勒三世在1950年东南亚之行中看到这些地区人们生活在贫困之中,但人口却快速增长,感触很深。于是,这位“慈善家”便“大发慈悲”,于1952年创办了人口理事会(The Population Council)以减少中国等发展中国家的人口增长,资助各国进行计划生育的研究和实践,在国际上影响很大[4]。
The U.S. can help to minimize charges of an imperialist motivation behind its support of population activities by repeatedly asserting that such support derives from a concern with
(a) the right of the individual couple to determine freely and responsibly their number and spacing of children and to have information, education, and means to do so; and
(b) the fundamental social and economic development of poor countries in which rapid population growth is both a contributing cause and a consequence of widespread poverty.
Furthermore, the U.S. should also take steps to convey the message that the control of world population growth is in the mutual interest of the developed and developing countries alike.
人类生命国际(Human Life International)Brian Clower博士所著的《Kissinger Report 2004》估算,1965年到2004年美国共投入了173亿美元的经费用来控制发展中国家的人口,主要投入到美国国际开发署;其次是投入到联合国人口基金(UNFPA)[8]。联合国人口基金最“伟大的贡献”是帮助了中国等国实行计划生育。
在华盛顿高层看来,《NSSM-200》一旦被公开或者泄露出去,不但会引起国内(尤其是宗教团体)的强烈反对,在国际上也肯定会造成爆炸性影响。因此,在报告中明确提出:“Throughout the implementation process, the United States must hide its tracks and disguise its programs as altruistic. Otherwise there could be a serious backlash. The United States must convince the leaders and people of LDCs that population reduction is in their own best interests, hiding the fact that the United States wants access to their natural resources.”(整个实施过程中,美国必须掩盖其阴谋,而让人觉得美国的计划不是自私的而是利他的。否则有可能引起其他国家强烈反弹。美国必须隐瞒从发展中国家获得自然资源的真实意图,而说服发展中国家的领导人和民众相信:减少人口是符合他们自己的最大利益的)。