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发表于 2014-7-20 13:07:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
科技展望杂志是经新闻出版总署批准,宁夏科技厅主管、宁夏科技信息研究所主办的大型综合类学术期刊,国内统一刊号:CN64-1054/N,国际标准刊号:ISSN1672-8289,半月刊,面向全国公开发行。《科技展望》聚焦学术前沿动态,他集理论研究的实用性和权威指导性于一体,以理论探讨和学术研究为主,是一份重要的理论学术刊物,为各理论研究者提供了一个发表学术论文的平台。国家新闻出版总署收录 中国知网、万方数据—数字化期刊群、维普资讯科技期刊数据库收录期刊。
\"Science\" magazine Outlook is approved by the General Administration of press and publication, the large-scale comprehensive academic journal of Ningxia science and Technology Department, Ningxia science and Technology Information Institute, the national unified publication date: CN64-1054/N, international standard serial number: ISSN1672-8289, semimonthly, facing the public offering. \"Science and Technology Outlook\" focus on the academic front, he set theory to study the practicality and authoritative guide in one, to explore and research theory, is an important academic journals, providing a platform for academic papers published the theory researchers. Included China HowNet, Wan Fang data - digital periodicals, VIP journals database of National General Administration of press and publication of journals.
\"Science and Technology Outlook\" founded this print aims to track the Chinese and foreign high-tech cutting-edge, promote the development of high-tech industry. In order to create a promoting scientific and technological innovation, strengthen scientific and technological exchanges, academic environment in the whole society, to the vast number of scientific workers in various industries, various disciplines to build an active academic thoughts, scientific and technological innovation, economic development and social progress, and valuable advices to publish academic papers platform. In September 1, 2004, with the beginning of a new school year, a new knowledge, in order to understand the technology master hands skills for the purpose of Juvenile Science magazine \"technology outlook\" created in the magazine Science and technology prospect of agency staff, and young readers\' national meeting. Classmates are very like \"science\" course, \"information technology\" course, the secrets of the universe, biological reproduction, the vast ocean, the protection of the environment, the use of computer, intelligent robot production, a lot of fun for everyone. Speak not over of the topic, discusses different theories, there are so many hands-on computer work results, etc....... But the class time is limited, more knowledge to understand, more is needed to display, and more friends need to know -- \"technology outlook\" shoulder this responsibility, to the!

\"Science and Technology Outlook\" readers is more than the third grade primary school to the second grade junior middle school students under the. From content to form, pay attention to recreation, layout, simple vivid language, text, explain profound theories in simple language, the reasonable collocation of content of strong interaction. \"Science and Technology Outlook\" in the dissemination of new knowledge at the same time, pay more attention to improve skills and provide a stage for young readers. \"Easy interaction camp\", \"Rainbow Bridge\", \"exercises Baicao garden\", \"happy painting workshop\" and other columns are expecting little reader participation, \"the offer to express their views, suggestions of their own mail box\" for young readers, welcome positive letter. The main columns: Science and technology, high technology, industrial technology, building science, IT technology, science and education platform, economic management, resources and the environment.
1.题名 题名应以简明、确切的词语反应文章中最重要的特定内容。中文题名一般不超过20个字,必要时可以加副题名;题名应避免使用非公知公用的缩写词、字符、字号,尽量不出现数学式和化学式。
2.作者署名和工作单位 作者署名在文题下按贡献大小顺序排列。对作者应标明其工作单位全称、所在省市名称及邮政编码(标注在篇首页地脚处),不同工作单位的作者应在姓名右上角加注不同的数字序号。
3.作者简介 来稿时请附作者简介,简介包括:作者姓名、出生年、性别、学历、民族(汉族不用标注)、职称、职业,所从事专业等。
4.摘要 文稿必须附中、英文摘要,摘要一般采用报道性摘要(包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论),篇幅以300字左右为宜,英文摘要一般与中文摘要内容相对应。
5.关键词 关键词应尽量从汉语主题词表中选用,未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语和地区、人物、文献、产品及重要数据名称,也可作为关键词标出。中、英文关键词应一一对应。
6.图表 图表要精选,应具有自明性。图表内容切忌表述重复,用计算机制作或白纸墨绘,表格采用三线表,必要时可加辅线,须标注表(图)题,照片应清晰,并注明染色方法和放大倍数。
7.量和单位 严格执行《中华人民共和国法定计量单位》,并以符号表示。如Lg(公斤)、g(克)、mg(毫克)、μg(微克)、L(升)、ml(毫升)、μl(微升)、hm2(公顷)、d(天)、h(小时)、min(分钟)、s(秒)等。
8.数字用法 凡是可以使用阿拉伯数字且很得体的地方,均应使用阿拉伯数字,如:日期(公历世纪、年代、年、月、日)、时刻、计量和计数单位前的数字等。小数点起,向左或向右每3位分成一组,组间留一空隙(1/4格),但不能用逗号圆点或其他方式,如:2 613,3.141 592 6,20 360.342 1。百分数范围:20%~30%不能写成20~30%;数值范围:3×103~8×103不能写成3~8×103;偏差范围:(25±1)℃不能写成25±1℃、(85±2)%不能写成85±2%,附带尺寸单位和量值相乘写为:50cm×80cm×l00cm,不能写成50×80×100cm。
9.参考文献 文稿须著录参考文献,一般不可省略。参考文献中列出的一般应限于作者直接阅读过的、最主要的、发表在正式出版物上的文献,私人通信和未公开发表的资料一般不宜列入参考文献内。参考文献表中,文献的作者不超过3位时,全部列出,超过3位时,只列前3位,后面加“等”字;作者姓名之间用“,”分开。参考文献的著录应执行GB7714-87的规定,采用顺序编码制。(1)连接出版物的著录格式:标引项顺序号。作者.题名.
来源: 科技展望杂志出版总署批准,宁夏科技厅主管、宁夏科技信息研究所主办

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